About me

I’m Parveen and the author of this blog and website. I am a movement practitioner and teacher. I have a certificate in Advanced Yoga Studies with Donna Farhi and a Corrective Exercise Specialist certificate in the Biomechanics Method

I am passionate about making movement accessible to people of different ages, abilities and personalities. I’m interested in helping people progressively build their skills and capabilities in fundamental movements.

My goal is to make people self-reliant and confident in their movement practice.

To be able to do this well, I work with people individually. I work well with beginners, anxious/shy individuals, seniors, women and others who have may have never exercised or have done only one type of movement.

I'm a practitioner at heart and I've personally seen the value of a consistent practice in all areas of my life. I feel we are so focused on diagnosing and treating aches and pains, we've forgotten the miraculous benefits of the discipline of consistently showing up.

‘Knowing is not the same as doing’

I teach what I practice. My own movement practice includes a combination of different disciplines. You can see me jumping like a frog, walking like a bear, crawling, rolling, doing body weight exercises and then some days you would see me do a simple yoga routine or an easy restorative practice. 

My story

I've once been my own target audience - shy/anxious novice who wanted to learn how to exercise, lift and play. I wanted to learn the right way to do things without being pushed or getting injured. I realized that if I learnt the underlying principles of a movement practice, then I would remember it easily and could fashion a routine for myself.

I didn’t win at the genetic lottery when it came to emotional well-being. But I did win at the genetic lottery at being good learner.

I was intuitively interested in moving/exercise. Nobody spoke about exercise and mental health much in the early 90s. Yoga felt safe for an anxious teenager and that’s where I began. This interest lead me to other movement disciplines - circuit training, kick boxing, ballroom and salsa dancing, jump rope and tennis.

Feeling strong, being sure footed and feeling relaxed in my body happened in part because of my movement practice and it contributed immensely to my confidence and well-being.

My other interests:

I am a collaborative governance and organization design professional.

I learn and play western classical music on the piano.

I am an aspiring minimalist and sketchbook artist.

I am an avid and keen learner.